Falls Prevention and Balance Retraining
At Avalon Physiotherapy and Clinical Pilates, we are very passionate about helping people to reduce their risk of having a fall. We do this by improving balance, strength and confidence.
Falls are a major health concern for the ageing population. At least one-third of people over the age of 65 fall once or more every year. Falls can result in serious injuries, a significant knock to confidence and a reduction in activity levels and quality of life. Evidence based research has proven that correctly designed physiotherapy exercises are highly effective in reducing the incidence of falls.
We run specially designed and fun classes for patients who are keen to improve their balance, strength and confidence on their feet. We go through a detailed 1:1 assessment with each patient, which includes:
– looking for any reasons why they may be falling or feeling unsteady
– getting a baseline measure of ability level and creating a plan for improvement
– discussing any specific goals that they may have
All assessments and classes are claimable on the spot with most private health funds, so please bring your card with you to each session.
If you require any further information, or would like to book an assessment, please call us and we would be happy to help